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Message to The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston

The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston - Arab  in Houston TX

The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston

Government of Qatar
(713) 355-8221
(713) 355-8221

About The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston

The Consulate General of the State of Qatar was first opened in Houston- Texas in 1997, where Houston is the economical capital, particularly in the energy sector of the U.S. The city overlooks the Gulf of Mexico and is the hub for more than 90 diplomatic missions representing different countries.

The Consulate General has jurisdiction over the states of Kansas, Georgia, Florida, Colorado, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma City, New Mexico, Mississippi, and Louisiana.


Primary Office Location

pin 1990 Post Oak Blvd, Suite # 900 Houston TX 77056

pin (713) 355-8221

Social Media

Twitter page for The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston - Arab  in Houston Facebook page for The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston - Arab  in Houston Instagram page for The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston - Arab  in Houston
Message The Consulate General of the State of Qatar Houston
(713) 355-8221