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Message to Center for Arabic Culture

Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville MA

Center for Arabic Culture

(617) 893-1176
(617) 893-1176

About Center for Arabic Culture

The mission of the Center for Arabic Culture (CAC) is to promote Arabic Culture and the Arab-American experience through education and the arts.

At CAC, we strive to provide the general public with the opportunity to learn more about the different aspects of Arab culture. Whether you are interested in Arabic music, dance, calligraphy or language, we offer a class for you. Being a non-profit, whose mission is to promote Arab culture in all of its regional varieties, we strive to make our classes and events as affordable and accessible as possible.


Primary Office Location

pin 240 Elm Street 2nd Floor Somerville MA 02144

pin (617) 893-1176


Social Media

Twitter page for Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville Twitter page for Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville Facebook page for Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville Instagram page for Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville Instagram page for Center for Arabic Culture - Arab  in Somerville
Message Center for Arabic Culture
(617) 893-1176