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Message to Center for Arab American Philanthropy

Center for Arab American Philanthropy - Arab  in Dearborn MI

Center for Arab American Philanthropy

(313) 842-5130
(313) 842-5130

About Center for Arab American Philanthropy

The Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP) is a national community foundation. CAAP is an ACCESS institution. ACCESS is the largest nonprofit organization in the country dedicated to providing a range of holistic human services and leading initiatives to amplify the visibility and agency of Arab Americans.

CAAP empowers the Arab American community by demonstrating the impact of giving together. Unlike a traditional community foundation, we are not focused on a geographic location, but on an ethnic community: Arab Americans.


Primary Office Location

pin 2651 Saulino Ct. Dearborn MI 48120

pin (313) 842-5130


Social Media

Twitter page for Center for Arab American Philanthropy - Arab  in Dearborn Twitter page for Center for Arab American Philanthropy - Arab  in Dearborn Facebook page for Center for Arab American Philanthropy - Arab  in Dearborn
Message Center for Arab American Philanthropy
(313) 842-5130